Saturday, June 21, 2008

College life again!

My third and finaly year in college started. It was hectic for a few days because we were juggling practicals(2nd years) and theory classes(3rd years). the reason we were still doing 2nd year pracs were coz we didnt finish it in the 2nd year itself! DUH! heheh well we were anxious to finish it as soon as possible coz our university pracs were soon to come. It got over n it was nice. i would loose a mark or two for my sloppy display of the nervous system of prawn. lol.

we got a room next to the sister. It isnt that bad as you think it is( if u keep quiet that is!!)> my roomates are chinnu n faheema. The arts students moved in and they arents as bad as we thought they were...well atleast the 2nd years!!! the 3rd years are yet to loosen up. we had a gathering during my 3 weeks stay there. it was fun. Arts n science together. hmnnn

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