You know sometimes something happen so unexpectedly that you are caught off gaurd. Death is one of them...an unwelcomed visitor. You or i can die anytime...we know this ..we know that who ever is bor has to die one day. We are so much aware of it yet we are unaware in some way or the other.It ironic. today one of my relatives died of cancer.she was really old. she had a miserable life and was a rich person who became poor later on. She always used to ask my grandmother and my uncle for financial support . she loved my uncle a lot because he helped her and her daughter a lot. She was lying in the paliative care centre for a few weeks now. ammama, i think, didnt know it was this serious. And she is just as shocked as i am. I pray that her soul rests in peace and i pray for her daughter too. Hope god saves them.
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