Thursday, May 29, 2008

This is going to hurt just a little bit

A few days back i went to the dentist to get somethings done in my teeth. I used to wear braces and now after i removed it there were some gaps. While i was sitting in the dentist chair the famous poem of Ogden Nash came to my mind "This is going to hurt just a little bit". This poem humourously portrays the poet sitting in the dentist chair and feeling humiliated and embarrassed. All the things the dentist does feels like a torture to him. Just like that as i was sitting in the dentist chair i felt a lack of dignity in my position event though i knew no one was watching me(except for the dentist).I mean i was sitting with cotton balls in my mouth and my mouth wide open, my lips getting dry.I mean who wants to be seen in such a condition. And the dentist was pulling at my hair trying to get a better veiw of my teeth. and he took the lazer out and it was resting in my neck as if i was a table.And Well i just hope that i wont be going to the dentist anytime soon coz i really dont want can really understand the poet now!!!!

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