Today i went to the bank with my mother.I was sitting there comfortably near the counter while my mom was getting all her stuff done(Drafting a cheque or something like tht...hey i am not ignorant...i just choose not to get involved in these kinda official stuff heheh). As i was sitting there idly a couple walk in with there 2 something daughter. The mother walks in all smiling and the daughter is so hyper active and smiling too. they come and sit next to me. I can hear their conversation clearly(i wasnt eavesdropping!!!). the husband was clearly angry at his wife for some reason. I think they were coming in to start a new account. So the wife was filling up the form and she didnt know how exactly. She was asking her husband help and he was getting irritated at her. the daughter innocent and too young to understand what is going on starts walkin around the bank with her slipper making a squeaking noise whenever she walks. She walks upto the filter and starts playing with the water. He father annoyingly bring her back to his lap.The couple have a heated argument(though not making a scene or anything)...and i try not to hear. After a while i saw the husband hitting his wife in the face in such a way that no one could see but i saw it as his actions were reflected in the glass window opposite us. I got infuriated but how could i interfere. It was their private affair. so i watched in silence as the husband walked off telling his wife to manage it on her own. the wife even though sadness relfected in her eyes looks at me and smiles(a typical house wife supressing all her emotions) and asks me how to fill up the form. I tell her some of it. Then the child is also giving her a tough time. so i decide to play with her for a while so that the mother could fill the form in peace.
So this incident just left me thinking...the world is changing so much and its no longer the male dominated society as in the past. The female counterparts are rising up on a par with the males as well. Yet these kind of male chauvenism isnt rare.There are women who stay mum to all these. Well we cant blame them either. The society has set an impression that the females arent supposed to fight back or anything. I dont know about myself, what i might do or say but i think you should always stand up for what you think is right. I just hope all the other females out their realise it too. Hmnn
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