Sunday, May 18, 2008

i have no idea wht title to give hehhe

hey tis been long since i wrote summat in my blog.well my exams are over finally!!! but unfourtunately my lab exams arent. so when college begins in 2 weeks have to be up and ready for teh exam(sigh).mom and dad are coming on tuesday so i am kinda glad about it. its been quiet a while since i saw them and i was starting to miss them so much. Next year classes arent goin to be that interesting for me since we dont have combined classes. so i am going to be stuck at my own class for the whole year and thats going to be a bit boring. the sister is going to allot the rooms in the hostel this year(not like last year where we could choose our own roommates). so i am not looking forward to hostel aswell. today tried and makes something in the kitchen and kind of burned my hand a little. heheh nothin unusual there i guess. i had gone for a movie with ro n his frnds, chronicle of narnia. it is such a good movie n i loved it. and it was so fun hanging out with his frnds.all of them were commenting so much on the movie and it was just so much fun hehehhe.they are nice people.well for now i will stop.

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