Tuesday, March 4, 2008

May their souls rest in peace

I was reading through the profile of Ted bundy who was a very famous serial killer. its belived that he killed over 100 women..but he admitted to only killing 30. They were killed brutally without mercy! You know i just really got scared by reading the account. These women were like you and me. they were all so real...they had a life just like us. did they ever know that death would come by so soon...so unpredictable?? They werent mere statistic of how many women ted bundy slaughter...they were bearthing living human beings!!! this really concerned me and i couldnt sleep all night. I kept on thinking of people who die in war...how many people....and yet we dont even remember their names...their faces...we dont know them..but people are dying out there. who knows who could be next...it could be you or me. our lives rest in the hands God...and may he be merciful. May all the people i talked about rest in peace.

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