Growing up everything came easy to me. Well i certainly do think so. But i am not that spoilt rich girl who blows up all her daddy's money. I was and still am my daddy little girl. So when i wanted something really bad i pushed n pushed my parents till i got it...well atleast if they thought it was necessary they bought it for me. But i am not that much of a spoilt brat. I am adamant and stubborn and i believe in my own views. Sometimes I find it hard to compromise with others who dont share the same point of view as i do. Well it came as a huge down fall to me. I lost some good friends because of that. Its coz i believe in honesty...and i think that is one of the important virtues for me. If someone breeches my trust ...someone whom i loved and cared for so dearly...i cant still like that person the same way and not think about what happened. Well its not in me to forget...but i do forgive.
So now i am at my best age...atleast that is what i think. And i feel bad that i didnt do my age any justice. I couldnt enjoy the way i wanted to. I missed out on all that these three years in college. Dont get me wrong, but college was awesome and it changed me a lot, am sure about that. But there were so many things i wanted to do and that i couldnt coz i was either chicken or lazy or the opportunity just never came by me. And in the end of the whole 3 years, what friends i made ceased to be what they were to me any longer. It pains me immensely. Hmmm now is there any going back??? i donno. let us wait and watch what happens.
Now am getting older. And i guess i must behave maturely aswell. In 2 or 3 years will be going away from my parents and i have yet to learn a lot about being responsible. My parents would no longer be by my side to satisfy all my whims and fancies. I need to learn to consider about others and their needs without completely giving up on my freedom and my happiness. It is not a compromise i would be making but a necessity from my part. Well to be frank i am a bit scared about what is going to happen in the future. Alas it all written in the pages of a book called my life. And the editor is God alone. So let us see how that book turns out eh?? So far not soo bad eh?? heheh well these were some thoughts that were disturbing me for the past few weeks and i didn't know how to put in into words. well donno if i expressed myself fully but guess this would satisfy me. heheh
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