I was goin through one of my friends blogs and i loved a blog she wrote about her favorite things. Hers is a well read blog while mine is more like my personal diary in a public place. Lol. She writes pretty well and creatively too. Her style of writitng too is laid back. Well i dont think that i am much of a writer but i love to pen down all my feelings. It kind of relaxes me. So after going through her blog i decided that i would like to do a blog on the things that make me happy. The things that when i see and feel take me to my special place. Well here goes
1. Nature- I love the colour green, the peace and quietness of a green place. The feeling of freshness when you are standing there. A calmness passes through you. It just feels as if you blend into nature. Just close you eyes and listen too a different sounds.
2. The smell of parched earth when rain falls on it for the first time. When the sand rises up, it gives me a nostalgic feeling.
3. My own pesonal space in the garden in my old house, Geethavan. It was amidst all the plants. It was just a rock behind the big Guava tree. But when you go and sit there, no one can see you. It was a good place for me to escape to when i need some alone time and some time to think.
4. When one of my old friends call me after so long and we talk like it were only yesterday when we last met.
5. Writing in my Journal (DD as i call him). It in a wonder how just one book could make me feel better in just a matter of minutes. Writing in it with all mixed emotions give me a great relief. Its as if i am taking the weight of the whole world off my shoulders.
6. Listening to Ronan Keating singing "nothing at all" from the movie Notting hill. P.S watch the movie all u die hard romantics!
7. Buying book from the DC book stores and all the other book stores. I love to collect books. After buying a book it gives me a certain euphoria and i just feel good about it.
8. Reading books in one of my favorite things. I love books that touch my heart like A thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini and God of Small Things By Arundhati Roy.
9. Going shopping or even window shopping down the busy streets of Cochin.
10. Spending some quality time with my family and cousins. It so nice to have a get together once in a while. Its so nice to hear all of us gathered round a table and just cracking jokes about the old times and just being nostalgic.
11. The video of Rohan and I when we were in the 6th and 5th grade repectively. Rohan was so young and chubby. He sung the Titanic song with so much passion and emotions( almost like Celien dion sicne his voice was not yet cracked). It such a funny scene coz he also had soemthing to eat in his other hand. And i wasnt bad either. I was an attention seeker. The camera loved me...or rather i loved the camera. heheh
12. The times i had in the hostel. When we made scrambled eggs without the aid of a stove. Lol well we stole eggs from the hostel mess (it wasnt stealing coz we pratically paid for those eggs every month!!!). So correction. We took eggs from the mess. We "borrowed" a candle from the table beneath Mary's statue. And then matches 3 glasses and a plate and parachute oil and salt and chilly powder, we made wonderful scrambled eggs. Hehehe...have some imagination people.
13. The outing we had in the hostle, Feb 14th 2008, Ghajini movie, Cherain beach etc. All the functions we orgnaised together. All the funny moment we enjoyed together. Just thinking about it brings a sad smiel to my face.
14. Hydrebad trip with my collegemates. I got more close with them during that time.
15. Collection of seaweeds with Minu, Shayana, Shabitha and Shilpa. You guys i had the time of my life. It was so fun to take a dip in the remote area of Narakkal beach in the name of collecting seaweeds. Afterwards we went into the house of a local and took a bath there. Its the kind of things you too in Lonely planet lol. It was truly adventurous!!!
16. Our 10ths standard Kodaikanal trip. Wow I truly enjoyed each and every moment of it.
17. The time i spent with my friend SJ after our 12th board exams. All the non sense talk we used to do during class hours. MBAU!!! ehheh phone call studies the day before biology exams. Complaining about you know who. ehhehe
18. The talks that i have with my bro Rohan.
19. Being in LOVE. Knowing that someone means the wolrd to you and you mean the world to someone is a feeling worth fighting for.
20. Looking at our house which is under construction and looking at my room. Makes think about how hard my dad has worked to make his dream come true.
21. The time i won the Best outgoing Student from the hostel. It was a great moment for me. thanks to my dearest Junior Neetha Kutty. I enjoyed each and every moment of it.
22. My college farewell. It was then that i realised what i would be missing.
23. Star gazing during the night. We get a wonderful view from our balcony. Its very amazing to watch lightening from there too.
24. My Ammachi. I just love her soo much. and i love all the things she does for me.
25. Painting!!!!
26. Driving. Even though i have jsut started to learn, i love the feeling of being behind the wheel!
27. Walking through a deserted beach. Feeling the sand and water beneath my feet.
28. Travelling to new places. Discovering new cultures and traditions. The whole experience just makes adrenaline rush through my veins.
29. Pulling others legs :) especially my dad's.
30. My moms and Ammachi's cooking.
31. My teddy bears, Ponies and Barbie dolls. Reminds me of a simpler time :)
32. Tonnes and tonnes of photos of my childhood.
33. The time we had in Orissa.
34. Dancing to the beats of any song.
35. Tears in the eyes of my Ammachi, when i leave. I just love her a lot.
36. Sani and Saranya.
37. The silence of a Church. The conversations i ahve with God. My beliefs.
38. Day dreaming. heheh
39. A smile from someone you care.
40. Dogs...i love em. I just dont have any :( But if i did, their names would be Simba and Simonne
41. Getting compliments. Now who doesnt like that.
42. Seeing the one ring on my finger.
43. Seeing my parents laugh.
44. Playing on the swing. I will always love that.
45. Seeing flowers :)
46. Being around the children of Shishu bhavan. Bhanupriya, i miss you.
47. The smell of roses when you wake up.
49. Remembering that beautiful Sunset on a cold January, in Cherai beach, with a pod of dolphins jumping from the blue sea, and spending it with the best person ever!!
50. Being sung a song to and making you feel that you are the best thing ever :)
51. My best friend Divy...how she always looks after me :)...and how she never gives up on me.
52. My best friend Anoja, who constantly makes me laugh...whom I have so much in common...we basically are travellers in the same boat!!! :P