Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I wish....

You know sometimes, when your mind is not in oder,you just wish you were a different person. You imagine your life differently...u think things would be better if u were different. One such thought crossed my mind today. i wished that i were a BOY!!!!Well i just wished i could feel what it would be like to be a boy. Growing up amongst many brothers i have kinda got an idea of what it is like. They are all out having fun with their frnds....riding on their bike...going places...they are all just so free! While being a girl i am stuck at my flat...doin nothing...wishin they would include me along with them. You sometimes tend to feel ignored(when you're an only girl with many brothers only will u understand my situation.hey its not all bad...they love and care for u so much aswell!!!!!hey i am their only sister after all naa). They are all out having fun and i just wanna be one of them i guess. Being a sagittarian...i am very restless...and i like to be a free bird and not caged.
But i am not complaining. sure being a girl has its downfall...but i am sure being a boy too has its downfall!! but being a girl i am blessed with so much. God has given me a purpose...and i am here to fullfill that. So i dont regret at all. like that the thought vanished out of my mind and i was glad it did!

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