Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tricks to prevent the idle mind

There is a point in everyone's life, when one has nothing to do but have a lot of time for oneself. Some find it post retirement, some while stuck between jobs, some while wasting away an year preparing for some test and some like me clueless about what career path to take next. After my under graduate studies, I thought I would take a break and prepare for MBA or something of that sort. That is when CUSAT happened and I wasn't idle for long. But now that I finished my graduate studies, I am at a place in my life where I am forced to choose between two contrasting paths - career (PhD) or marriage (IAS- Indian Adukala Service). Naturally my parents want to see me settled and the thought that if and when I get a Phd, it would take 5 year tops for completing it, scares them. But I don't want to get settled now, not for at least 2 years. I want some "ME" time, where I can concentrate on my future and what is best for me. I am not being selfish, not at all. I would like to think that I am the generation that represents broad mindedness. And I am one of "THOSE" women who think that Phd after marriage will be hell.
Hmmm so this is where my idle mind come to play. You know what they say about the "idle mind being a devil's workshop". That is nothing short of the truth. When I have nothing to do, my mind cooks up things and keep pondering about the past, thinking "what if" and all. It makes me over emotional and sensitive and paranoid. I become needy and dependent. Now, that is not something that I am proud of but that is the fact.
So I try to keep myself occupied with something to prevent my mind from doing re-runs of my past or making me anxious about my future. Some of the things that I found helpful were :
  • Watch your favorite movie and serial alone or with you family. I normally watch old Malayalam movie with my parents and i have my healthy dose of laughter daily. I watch my favorite episodes of How I met your mother in my laptop.
  • Experiment on cooking. I love to try new recipes that I get off the internet. It is a fun way to keep your mind occupied.
  • Do a bit of gardening. I love gardening with my parents. We have a small area where we have planted some vegetable like lady finger, tomatoes, egg plant and chilly. It the best feeling when you reap your harvest.
  • Have some quality time with your family and friends. Call and meet up your friends. Talking about the old times is fun.
  • Find time for your favorite hobby. I love to paint. I try and do some creative works once in a while. Even though I am not a good artist, I enjoy spending time for it.
  • Go for some classes like coaching classes or craft class or even driving lessons. I joined a coaching class for GRE. Met a lot of new people there and I look forward to those classes.
  • Get a pet. That is guaranteed to keep your mind occupied. I love to own a pet dog but sadly none of my family members approve of it. The best they could get me were fishes!! But still, I love watching them move around the fish tank like a blur of colours in water.
Now everyone has different ways of keeping their minds occupied. These have helped me out. Always keep this in mind, don't ever let your mind become idle!!